
Itisthe10thinstallmentintheCastlevaniaseries,wheretheprotagonistRichterBelmontgoestosavehisloverAnnette,whowasabductedbyCountDracula.,Castlevania:RondoofBlood,originallyreleasedinJapanasAkumajōDraculaX:ChinoRondo,isa1993action-platformgamedevelopedbyKonamiforthePC ...,WeonlygotitonPS4lastgenandthegenbeforethatweonlygotitonthewii.KonamihasbeenreallyweirdaboutreleasingRoB.,CastlevaniaRondoofBloo...

Rondo of Blood | Castlevania Wiki

It is the 10th installment in the Castlevania series, where the protagonist Richter Belmont goes to save his lover Annette, who was abducted by Count Dracula.

Castlevania: Rondo of Blood

Castlevania: Rondo of Blood, originally released in Japan as Akumajō Dracula X: Chi no Rondo, is a 1993 action-platform game developed by Konami for the PC ...

Do you think we'll ever see Castlevania

We only got it on PS4 last gen and the gen before that we only got it on the wii. Konami has been really weird about releasing RoB.

Castlevania Requiem

Castlevania Rondo of Blood, first released in 1993 and Castlevania Symphony of the Night, first released in 1997 are now available in one combined package ...

Castlevania: Rondo of Blood Review

評分 9/10 · Lucas M. Thomas · Rondo of Blood really is one of the finest sequels in the series, and Richter's adventure is all the richer for the added perspective these ...

Castlevania: Rondo of Blood is nearly perfect

The gameplay is satisfying and challenging, but fair; the game manages to be very fun and engaging for all of its duration. The graphic is great ...

I feel dissapointed w Rondo of Blood (& Super Castlevania 4 review)

For those of us who have been Castlevania fans since the 90s, Rondo of Blood was seen as the holy grail of classic Castlevania gameplay that ...

Castlevania: Rondo of Blood

A remaster of Castlevania: Rondo of Blood included in the Castlevania Requiem collection. Experience Rondo of Blood remastered to 4K/1080p resolution, ...


Rondo of Blood is an incredible game that stands out for its excellence even among the Castlevania games. 16:10 · Go to channel · Castlevania ...